8 research outputs found

    Structure of directed graphs and hypergraphs

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    Arc-disjoint strong spanning subdigraphs in compositions and products of digraphs

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    A digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) has a good decomposition if AA has two disjoint sets A1A_1 and A2A_2 such that both (V,A1)(V,A_1) and (V,A2)(V,A_2) are strong. Let TT be a digraph with tt vertices u1,,utu_1,\dots , u_t and let H1,HtH_1,\dots H_t be digraphs such that HiH_i has vertices ui,ji, 1jini.u_{i,j_i},\ 1\le j_i\le n_i. Then the composition Q=T[H1,,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots , H_t] is a digraph with vertex set {ui,ji1it,1jini}\{u_{i,j_i}\mid 1\le i\le t, 1\le j_i\le n_i\} and arc set A(Q)=i=1tA(Hi){uijiupqpuiupA(T),1jini,1qpnp}.A(Q)=\cup^t_{i=1}A(H_i)\cup \{u_{ij_i}u_{pq_p}\mid u_iu_p\in A(T), 1\le j_i\le n_i, 1\le q_p\le n_p\}. For digraph compositions Q=T[H1,Ht]Q=T[H_1,\dots H_t], we obtain sufficient conditions for QQ to have a good decomposition and a characterization of QQ with a good decomposition when TT is a strong semicomplete digraph and each HiH_i is an arbitrary digraph with at least two vertices. For digraph products, we prove the following: (a) if k2k\geq 2 is an integer and GG is a strong digraph which has a collection of arc-disjoint cycles covering all vertices, then the Cartesian product digraph GkG^{\square k} (the kkth powers with respect to Cartesian product) has a good decomposition; (b) for any strong digraphs G,HG, H, the strong product GHG\boxtimes H has a good decomposition

    Proximity and Remoteness in Directed and Undirected Graphs

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    Let DD be a strongly connected digraph. The average distance σˉ(v)\bar{\sigma}(v) of a vertex vv of DD is the arithmetic mean of the distances from vv to all other vertices of DD. The remoteness ρ(D)\rho(D) and proximity π(D)\pi(D) of DD are the maximum and the minimum of the average distances of the vertices of DD, respectively. We obtain sharp upper and lower bounds on π(D)\pi(D) and ρ(D)\rho(D) as a function of the order nn of DD and describe the extreme digraphs for all the bounds. We also obtain such bounds for strong tournaments. We show that for a strong tournament TT, we have π(T)=ρ(T)\pi(T)=\rho(T) if and only if TT is regular. Due to this result, one may conjecture that every strong digraph DD with π(D)=ρ(D)\pi(D)=\rho(D) is regular. We present an infinite family of non-regular strong digraphs DD such that π(D)=ρ(D).\pi(D)=\rho(D). We describe such a family for undirected graphs as well

    Proper orientation number of triangle-free bridgeless outerplanar graphs

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    An orientation of GG is a digraph obtained from GG by replacing each edge by exactly one of two possible arcs with the same endpoints. We call an orientation \emph{proper} if neighbouring vertices have different in-degrees. The proper orientation number of a graph GG, denoted by χ(G)\vec{\chi}(G), is the minimum maximum in-degree of a proper orientation of G. Araujo et al. (Theor. Comput. Sci. 639 (2016) 14--25) asked whether there is a constant cc such that χ(G)c\vec{\chi}(G)\leq c for every outerplanar graph GG and showed that χ(G)7\vec{\chi}(G)\leq 7 for every cactus G.G. We prove that χ(G)3\vec{\chi}(G)\leq 3 if GG is a triangle-free 22-connected outerplanar graph and χ(G)4\vec{\chi}(G)\leq 4 if GG is a triangle-free bridgeless outerplanar graph

    On Seymour's and Sullivan's Second Neighbourhood Conjectures

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    For a vertex xx of a digraph, d+(x)d^+(x) (d(x)d^-(x), resp.) is the number of vertices at distance 1 from (to, resp.) xx and d++(x)d^{++}(x) is the number of vertices at distance 2 from xx. In 1995, Seymour conjectured that for any oriented graph DD there exists a vertex xx such that d+(x)d++(x)d^+(x)\leq d^{++}(x). In 2006, Sullivan conjectured that there exists a vertex xx in DD such that d(x)d++(x)d^-(x)\leq d^{++}(x). We give a sufficient condition in terms of the number of transitive triangles for an oriented graph to satisfy Sullivan's conjecture. In particular, this implies that Sullivan's conjecture holds for all orientations of planar graphs and of triangle-free graphs. An oriented graph DD is an oriented split graph if the vertices of DD can be partitioned into vertex sets XX and YY such that XX is an independent set and YY induces a tournament. We also show that the two conjectures hold for some families of oriented split graphs, in particular, when YY induces a regular or an almost regular tournament.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure

    k-Ary spanning trees contained in tournaments

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    A rooted tree is called a kk-ary tree, if all non-leaf vertices have exactly kk children, except possibly one non-leaf vertex has at most k1k-1 children. Denote by h(k)h(k) the minimum integer such that every tournament of order at least h(k)h(k) contains a kk-ary spanning tree. It is well-known that every tournament contains a Hamiltonian path, which implies that h(1)=1h(1)=1. Lu et al. [J. Graph Theory {\bf 30}(1999) 167--176] proved the existence of h(k)h(k), and showed that h(2)=4h(2)=4 and h(3)=8h(3)=8. The exact values of h(k)h(k) remain unknown for k4k\geq 4. A result of Erd\H{o}s on the domination number of tournaments implies h(k)=Ω(klogk)h(k)=\Omega(k\log k). In this paper, we prove that h(4)=10h(4)=10 and h(5)13h(5)\geq13.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Discrete Applied Mathematic

    Kings in Multipartite Hypertournaments

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    In his paper "Kings in Bipartite Hypertournaments" (Graphs &\& Combinatorics 35, 2019), Petrovic stated two conjectures on 4-kings in multipartite hypertournaments. We prove one of these conjectures and give counterexamples for the other